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after 2 months of weight, mood swings and sang froid, today was perhaps one of the most bittersweet moments ever.

was grinning my way through while lacing a birthday cake with wasabi. damn! also, strawberries with whip cream rawks!

news i've been anticipating a whole week came unofficially. then officially. a whole load of weight lifted. another close shave.

and above all, i'd sorted my woes. filed them, bagged them, but still fail to dispose them. instead, stashed it in some somber corner. what life. to think the one close to you is just another passing moments. for every men is for himself.


so you passed everything and the notes need to be stashed. did that a while back.

and oh, i am at risk of your eye infection infecting me. damned insomnia after cny. *laughs*

February 12, 2008 at 6:46 PM  

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