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1. Don’t date because you are desperate.
2. Don’t marry because you are miserable.

3. Don’t have kids because you think your genes are superior.

4. Don’t philander because you think you are irresistible.

5. Don’t dictate because you are smarter.
6. Don’t demand because you are stronger.
7. Don’t stagnate! Don’t regress. Don’t live in the past.
8. Don’t throw your life away on absolutely Mr./Mrs. Wrong because your biological clock is ticking.

9. To fulfill your parenting fantasies, get a puppy.
10. Don’t bring another life into this world for all the wrong reasons.

11. To make yourself happy, pursue your passions & be the best of what you can be.

12. Simplify your life.
13. Don’t commit when you are not ready.

14. Don’t keep others waiting needlessly.

15. Go on that trip. Don’t postpone it. Say those words. Don’t let the moment pass.

16. Do what you have to, even at society’s scorn.
17. Write poetry.

18. Love Deeply.
19. Walk barefoot.

20. Dance with wild abandon.

21. Take care of yourself. Don’t wait for someone to take care of you.

22. You light up your life. You drive yourself to your destination.No one completes you – except you.

After many car rides and passing trees, I sat at the edge of my bed. The sentences I see is fading. Your voice once so clear is stumbling. My lids are heavy. And it is now dark.

I woke but it wasn't bright. The candles are all around. They cry and walk away. I turn back and suddenly everyone is no more. The melancholy is thick in the air, almost choking. Everyone's falling apart. The room is hollow as the emotion within the chambers.

No more cries resonating from where I stand. The northern smile had break apart. The southern charm had left me. The eastern grin is dying and my western heart is shredded. Where would the compass now point? It's as if life can be so fragile suddenly. Without warnings.

It is hard to watch people you know slowly waste away. It will never be fair in our eyes. But we still see them walk on strong, stronger than us who are without ailments. It is not fair to be the one watching. No, it is never fair.

Everyday, someone you know falls sick, fails life and passes you without a breath. We have been so busy with out own muddles we fail to see them sail away. This year, I hope to see you.

and somehow I know that it will all turn out
and you'll make me work so we can work to work it out
and I promise you kid I'll give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet

It is scarily coincidental to have 3 individual from 3 different pole of the country trying to kick me into the 'hitched' mode. No I haven't see any MO's or HO's that I like kay? )= Stop harassing me.

I am currently in my best mood I have ever had in years. I'm going on-calls voluntarily. I'm wandering the wards with so much faux confidence but confident nonetheless. I'm gushing with all the enthusiasm in the world to make me go home and study the stuffs that baffled me in wards. No I am not a changed fella. Just caught in the hype and excitement of many new deliveries.

But it's a joyride I hope to last till the end of the year. So don't be my killjoy just yet.

5 years since and after and I am still chasing that bit of me. Wondering where it got lost halfway. I thought I found it sometime back but life is an ambiguity. The definition of found itself is variable. It's amazing how I have been afloat in med school all these while and still made it to year 4. Life is unfair indeed. I worry for the future patients of mine.

I am beginning to worry for myself to, especially when some crow-feeted kid proposed to set up a account in some online dating thingy. Dont worry, I'll get back to you in a while idiot. Meanwhile, I think I would like to tell you that I am currently dating O&G before hopping on to Psych. Variety at its best.

Last but not least.....

To Li-Mae and Preethi! XD

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