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a whole week of turbulent affairs and decisions. one cant help but be amaze at all changes due in course of reluctantness.
i myself hasn't the time to chart all these down. but reflections into the many past and hanging moments were refreshing.

there's that blushing memory of bold stroke and a smack on that forehead for the spur of stupidity. and a nudge back into the many tunes of reality. as many times i had return to you, i can never shake you off.

cause i know now my walk through the road ahead is guided by you and the tears and anger you make me shed. touching ground, a path of clouded marble are beneath my soles. and the coldness and the murkiness. like the monochrome paintings, there's the stillness in the air.

like the box in which my nimble body fits as a child, the space was comforting, never choking. as per se, you i have embrace.

sick cycle carousel


i gi kidnap you also tak nak ambik photo...not my fault d la. lol =P

March 24, 2008 at 12:46 AM  

take a picture of you with imaginary cammie? hey.. the kidnapping was unexpected kay?

~la la la~

March 26, 2008 at 1:31 PM  

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