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two daft ducks got lost. daffy 1 thrashed directions given by cat. cat went speechless. then there were hissy spat between cat and daffy 1. cat hissed and trots away.

two daffy ducks proly cock too much in their ponds that they couldn't comprehend cat's directional message.

i bring out the best and worst in people.

truly, there were many wrongs today. i wrongly plant in the minds of people of whom i was pissed at. sorry hairy daffy. i realized it aint you im mad at, but your name just came too conveniently. i was raging at daffy 2. he's the one people would proly defend should i slander him in any minute way *spits disgustingly*

such hypocrisy.

that even i thought otherwise of him on our first few meetings. but it takes a while for the dust to settle, then despite the fact that quack spread his white illusion around, it all seemed so plastic to me.

or perhaps its just only me.

-i would had readily admit that my directions were a tad too brief. but that's as far as i will go to saying sorry. for i had gave them other options. but you had to come and spite me first, then play the good guy by sayin "thankyouforyourdirections" ever so pretentiously and sarcastically.

two can play the game you ugly daffy. lucky i have kittens beside to tame me. or it'll be an ugly picture.

*then again, it already is you hypocritical king*

you're so not worth my pent-up rage and time. walk your arse through that door yourself thankyouverymuch.


*sits patiently for dave's comment. if it ever comes*

*grins* =P

March 14, 2008 at 8:47 AM month probably you'll have to wait


March 14, 2008 at 2:01 PM  

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