Introducing our med fac latest services. Yes, we do offer babysitting services now! If ever you need a break from your child, send her (or him) over here. We are all welcome to stick her in the faces of Monash... *beams proudly*
And the best part? We dont have age limits to the kids you want us to babysit!! How cool is that? Just so long you pay up the charges, we take in any variants of characters. From plain jane to downright eccentric brats, we can manage them (we hope). And in the events of any childish squabbles in this cutey kindy.. no worries! You can always leave a handphone with your darling child so she (or he) can call mommy and daddy every time she rolls along a piggy fight.
*For we are that flexible and considerate* *Smiles further*
And of course, we do have security measures to ensure the safety of daddy's lil girl (or boy).
This program encodes a sharkster to manage any kiddy fights in the daycare ministry. And in the events of failure by the sharkster to contain the damage, there is always a troop of backdoor programmes to settle the score *note:underground activities*
With all the aforementioned security measures, be assured that your child welfare is in good hands. *flashes colgate smile*
Despite daycare ministry accredited teaching and caring module, there may exist defects in the quality of behaviour we try to instill in them adorable kiddies. *Some kids are just impossible*
You cant resist laughter despite the insults hurled at you at the moment. Reason? Cause the bitch aint you and you so dont feel the pinch. (=
Also, while I wont stop you from giving people the benefit of the doubt that they have change for good.. I still think changes takes maximal amount of effort and motivation.
So...I dont think so.....
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