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today, i did perhaps the oddest favor so far for a stranger. i honked for him. |=

well, klang fellas are well known for their double parking skills. so this guy's car was blocked by another car. and conveniently, his horn was spoilt and he couldn't possible go screaming at the masses of people eating in the mamak. *duh*

so he approached my car *was waiting for poo and sammy*

stranger : hello. can you help me honk? cause my horn is spoilt and my car cant get out..
me : err.. okay.

damn weird at first. feeling idiotic as well. im honking for another person. wtf? im like honking short blast at first (shy honks) then it got more fun. ahahhahah! so i hit it like full blast to the point i almost LOL in the car. *luckilly there's no one around to stop and stare*

too bad the pea-brained car owner cant hear it. so my stranger had to drum his fingers with frustrations till the car is moved . my friends came back into the car.

so i haven't an ending to his story. hope he didn't had to wait that long. *grins*


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