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living under the dark rain cloud is not an ideal choice of life. reason?

  1. you'll turn soggy and prunish with that amount of rain pouring on you
  2. there isnt that MUCH amount of rain to fall upon you
  3. your wish for rain will drown others just as much
and neither do burping the sun in every hiccups are happiness. justifications?
  1. a lot of sunshine means a lot of sunburns
  2. some things are light-phobic. they thrive in the dark
  3. the sun is warm till its 10pm. after that, it scorch
and this is another day where mediocrity thrives. *grins* who wouldn't love the cloudy breezy mornings, afternoons and evenings?


before your head scrambled up in thorough confusion, im just messing the weather in metaphor with happiness=sun and sadness=rain.

we all get our blues sometimes in every year. and i myself am a guilty culprit that i had resolved to not indulge in the impracticality of a rant. i love ranting. to certain individuals. it makes me feel shitload better, but i pity my rantboxes for hearing me out.

what i/we suffer now, perhaps is just a bite. many out there got mauled so terribly and yet they dont even give out a squeak. think of a small kid in africa who has no bathroom and had to bathe in a mud creek somwhere with a hippopotamus *quoted*

or some teenage girl living in a cramped room after the death of her whole family and dogs and after her best friend stole her boyfriend and suddenly she's ostracized for being ugly and depressed.

suddenly, exam woes and heavy assignments are peanuts to their picture.

so i decide to be happy sometime in life. despite the junkload of messed up affair under the bed (=

but happiness are infectious. sometimes shrouding others further in their shadows. tact is indeed my favourite word after prerogative and circadian. tactlessness is easilly epitomed by you laughing at a funeral.

my happiness is riding on your misery

it is that inhumane to rub off over-enthusiasm on them zombified upset souls. them people i shake my heads at. if there's anything else those depressed souls need is definitely not a bucketful of sunshine. a dollop of smile is sufficient.

and to end the afternoon, i finally found icky's cut-myself-porkchop! ahahhahahahahhahah!



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