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its a sunday and this nerd had to get her bum off the bed and into the shower.

reason? the library's her new favourite place. even on sundays (=

the whole campus was quiet, unlike the buzzing weekdays. felt so good.

even the library was almost souless.

and this nerd gets to choose her seat by the window with the sun.

milo in hand and thick volumes in front, suddenly, it sort of feels so damn cozy.

and she lasted for 2 hours plus, before dozing on pages of books

she dreams kit kat.

and jas came ring-a-ring

"mei mei, remember you told me bout the MNG clutches u wanted? its on sales now!"

hmmm.. 2.30pm, library closing anyway.

eats kit kat, and zoom to the curve.

no nice clutch.

walks about looking at many other pretty things.

wonders if there's a need to spend even? *contemplates*

*spies cheese tarts*

bought and devoured.

this nerd happy and satisfied, and home she goes.


I take the marigolds you hold dear
and peel the petals free.
You can see the wind take them on the journey
while the teardrops run down your cheeks.


mei =/= nerd.

lol. isk. nerd title has to be earned woman, not self-bestowed.

Try 3 hours before dying off next time k?

July 29, 2008 at 12:15 AM  

today, i survived 5 hours. the title is no longer bestowed.

i earned it (=

July 29, 2008 at 7:53 PM  

try pull all nighters, some sleep is allowed like 15 minutes of nap every 2 hours or so...

July 31, 2008 at 5:55 AM  

errr.. that aint a nerd. that's a FOOL!

madd......i need the bed wei,cant give my all to the book alone |=

dave, u need more porkchops (=

August 1, 2008 at 12:35 AM  

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