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inside this pocket, its oh-so-warm and fuzzy. and peeking out of it to see the endless horizon and taste the cold salty wind, i dont think i can handle it.

what if i fell into the waters and get lost?
what if the tortoises snap my behind as i land on the shore?
what if kiddies stick me into their sandcastles thinking im a toy soldier?

*the gargantuan Finger emptied me from his pocket*


so now what? *blink blink* i wanna go homeeeee! *whine whine whine* (richard's forte btw)


why do i have to get out of the pocket? the ish..and stop prodding me Finger! i am walking, or at least i am trying me best to keep up with the new world. hmmms. perhaps it isnt too bad after all?
the sand grains look like sugar crystals, only they're actually grit.


so the tortoises dont bite and the kiddies are oblivious to me. so what? you can stick a f'wer in my head and i'll still be wary. *grins* though pretty flowers are pretty and sweet scenting. i suppose i can afford a smile for the mo?


tried hard..

but tak faham pun...

October 1, 2008 at 1:28 PM  

ahahhahahahha! owh well, means its job well done by me *pats on own shoulder*

October 1, 2008 at 11:58 PM  

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