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from a dream.....

Sigmund Freud offered many theories on the repression of the human mind which had led to many unbecoming, or becoming of a person. Anger, rage, frustrations and the traumatic events were all pushed back from their consciousness

One which greatly interest me was the Oedipus complex, where individuals were erotically attached to their parent of the opposite sex and were hostile to the parent of the same sex. Oedipal desires are thought to remain heavily repressed and unconscious in the minds of all functioning adults --> Are you?

We were thought to instinctively love our old chaps who begot us. While we do, many turns of events may rise to challenge the Oedipus complex. Adolescence for one may instead, create an anti-Oedipal syndrome. The adolescence period is the most volatile for many and the rebellious nature of teens to challenge and go against both set of parents might just create that loophole on Freud's theory. Then again, maybe not, since he said that that complex may be repressed *yer* unknowingly.

And we hear many a times that we will in the end, grow up to resemble our father/mother and marry someone who resembles our mother/father.

I think its time for a rebellion now. I have none the intention to recreate the family scene I had lived with for the past 21 years. Time for a change.


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