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and so according to Darwin, we descended from the lineage of apes. and of such primal nature, we retain the animal within us. hence aggression.

aggression: excessive violence, therefore causing hurt or mebbe fatality in severe use of it.

thus, the age of lobotomy begun in the 1930's and into the 1950's. in those days. patient's consent was unheard of and the paternalistic medicine was the mainstream practice. lobotomy was widely used to treat schizophrenic or depressed souls or even people who were considered a nuisance by demonstrating behavior characterized as, for example, "moodiness" or "youthful defiance".

i.e. if you're annoying some doctors by giving him the glare or you ordered the last slice of cake, you are at the risk of being lobotomized (heh. just exaggerating there my dears, though i pretty sure i would be the first to be under the mallet)

why mallet you may ask? its because the crude primeval methods of lobotomy involves the insertion of an 'ice-pick' through your eye socket and is manoeuvred to your frontal lobe, which very much is the centre in forming your personality. oh. my bad, they actually struck the ice-pick with a mallet UNTIL the correct position is found.

*i have no idea how do they determined when the 'right' position is found* its not as if you're tofu-brain goes 'click' when you hit the right spot now does it?

so anyway, some neurosurgeons decided such a method is too messy and un-cool. therefore they devised another way of getting to your prefrontal lobe. so this particular guy is an Antonio Egas Moniz. and this is the way he gets to your head:

  1. drill holes into brain - not hole ( ) but hole (S)
  2. then he injects alcohol into your brain - no, not to give you the high but to destroy your brain cells. *the truth behind the saying that alcohol kill brain cells. damnit*
but even so, Moniz thinks this technique needs perfection. so another method was created. the difference in this new method is that he uses a more canggih surgical instrument this time round - a retractable looped wire used to *hurmms, how should i put it* mush your brain cells?

and this bugger got a bloody Nobel prize for medicine in 1949! i wonder what are they advocating sometimes. tsk.

But to begin with, why are we supressing the expression of anger? Isn't it incorporated in the human right that we can freely express emotion? Though i would agree that some homosapiens are incapable of 'normal' expression. And hence, grouped into the 2 extremes. Again, have we forgotten the variation in evolution? Unless the human race is born out of cloning, we are all different. You and me. She and he. It and it.

Who gave who the authority to dictate, "No sir, you can't go beyond this level of aggression or we have to subject you lobotomy"?

Anger is another emotion. Like passion. Like feist. Like sadism. Like angst. And that is the beauty of aggression. It's all in the fiery outburst and pulsatile throbbing heat of unrestrained outburst.

Why am I pondering on the long forgotten past which have already received enough critisism and banned from the face of the earth? *hmmm*

Don't know (=


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