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Here's an article I came across by Mary Schneider in Thestar newspaper on the 17 reasons people use when they cheat. *grins*

  1. Break out into selfhood (so you can be and express yourself – painting might also help).
  2. Accidental (crashing into a tree is usually accidental, or breaking a glass, but never sex. Unless, of course, you get so drunk that you can’t tell the difference between your partner and your next-door neighbour).
  3. Sexual panic (to prove that you are still sexually capable – as if you can’t prove that with your partner).
  4. Let’s kill this relationship (and see if it comes back to life).
  5. Mid-marriage crisis (will add sparkle to a stale or problematic marriage).
  6. Trading up (when you’ve “moved on” but your spouse hasn’t – note: spouses should not be upgraded like cars or houses).
  7. Heating up your marriage (the fear of being found out will add more spice to your marriage).
  8. I just needed to indulge myself (shades of Bill Clinton).
  9. Ejector seat (either your spouse will kick you out or your lover will give you the courage to quit).
  10. See if (see if what you’ve been missing in your marriage can be found elsewhere).
  11. Distraction (will make you forget life’s difficulties – a game of Monopoly or a glass of wine might also do the trick).
  12. Surrogate therapy (will help you overcome feelings of inadequacy, frustration, etc – a shrink might also help).
  13. Do I still have it? (sounds like sexual panic).
  14. Having an experience I missed out on (there’s always bungee jumping, or origami, or trekking in Nepal to consider).
  15. Revenge (creepy).
  16. Midlife crisis (sounds like sexual panic again).
  17. Unmet needs (what happened to unmet commitments?).
My advice to anyone contemplating an affair? Either you’re married or you’re not. There’s nothing in between.


the picture is so funny!

November 12, 2009 at 12:10 PM  

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