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I like random spillage of inspiration to write. Sometimes its a dream I vividly remember. Sometimes its just something that happened. Or sometimes, rarely, I just have this urge to write albeit not knowing what. Then, I'll just google up a word that comes to me in that spur of the moment and scavenge for interesting pictures.

Today is one of those days.

In my dream yesterday, I remembered Petaling Jaya area, SS2, LDP, Old Klang Rd, my sister, my persona, a chest ache and a boy falling into the monsoon drain. Funny how the psychosomatic effects of our mind works. I woke with super tight feeling in the chest with pin and needles sensation. No radiation.

I am finally immune to my sms alert. Considering my bedtime is now 6 am and my breakfast begin at 4pm. So please, in case of emergency, call me after 4pm only. My services are unavailable anytime before that. And it's not shouldn't even be a surprise to anyone if I didn't know today is the day of results. Who keep tracks?

Weather forecast in Taiping is unnecessary. I can tell you what time the sun will shine and what time the first drop of rain will shower our heads. Such a mundanely beautiful weather. Even the night-sky backdrop was pretty. Times like that are good for conversations much missed. Hearing the story of your life told from someone elses mouth. You can only smile in agreement.

Identity searching even at this late a stage. Why not, yes? Life is dynamic. It is not stagnant like that pool of puddle. The bell shaped curve is symmetrically perfect, but it's this idealism that breaks the staunchest of non-believers. What will you catch? Where would you land? This has been a long year. It may or may not turn out the way you sketched it. That perhaps this is not our strokes to cast.

Should we start caring now? In all those affairs we never did? It is indeed interesting how I selectively condone and condemn the principles portrayed by those all around. By what standard and justifications did I used to pick all those values I considered moral? Who knows. I like to think I'm objective as I am right. But I was slapped by someone on that a long time back. I admit I have the ego and pride of a man. Ahahahahah! Damn.

I think you're right Jagad, I might as well finish all the cookies. Jol no come back after all. Why everybody running away from me wan? Im not infectious also.....


poor boy who fell in the monsoon drain la. Why your dreams all so violent wan?

December 13, 2009 at 7:59 PM  

i dont get to control them all you know... )=

at least he didnt die in real life?

December 14, 2009 at 3:31 PM  

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