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*peach blossoms on my front yard*

What is a weekend to you?
  1. 2 days of break, which translates into sleep and more sleep
  2. 48 hrs solitude with coffee, jazz and an endless stream of people to watch
  3. Pancakes morning with overflowing maple syrup and towering strawberries
  4. Pasta and salmon and stella artois on a table of books
  5. Series/movies/animes marathon from the comfort of my bed
  6. The gathering of all colors/faces for a night of games and momentary highness. Rational thinking is not a criteria
  7. Dressing up for grocery shopping
  8. Playing Cinderella and making telly dinners watching sitcoms and laughing at their ridiculous humor
  9. Riding shopping trolleys in Giant, wandering aimlessly, planning menus for the week in advance.
  10. Scrolling down the phonebook, wondering who to text, what to text, why to text
  11. Driving off on a whim, heading towards nowhere. Perhaps to a memory, or a an intention or just a crazy bamboozled whim.
  12. Washing my smudgy car on a rainy day and getting all smudgy myself
  13. Drawing up my future house and filling out the blank pages of my diary
I love/hate my weekends. Sometimes they're good. Sometimes they're just horrific. But I'm glad they exist. Cause I have mates who made it tolerable. (= Yes you should know who you are


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