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I should be drowning in cranial nerves and assignments.
But the Day had better things installed for me...

I have this one pig going "I believe i can fly!". And for a moment, I thought I should call it a day.

And SUDDENLY all the PORKCHOPS in the world is filling my head. All the beta blockers and ACE -inhibitors were swallowed by the crowds of porkchops. *roar!* Cravings gone wild wild wild!

All of them annoying porkchops flying in my cranium. Dont ask me how it get there or how it started. The reason is MEAN! *grins* But I like it. ahahhahahah!

Well, icky thinks all the porkchops swimming and flying in my head should come in my dreams as well.

icks: mei mei.. porkchops will come to your dream tonight. and they'll go, "eat me eat me!"
they'll jump in your head, holding a knife and slicing and butchering themselves.
me: (pigs hacking themselves up for me to eat...)
icks: yeah! they'll hack themselves over and over and over! WAHAHHAHHAHAHAH!!!
me: ................ *ROTFL*

icky gone off the cliff. Now THAT'S even more amusing then imagining pigs hacking themselves with knife asking me to eat them. The gore.

Allright. Enough of the many lucid sadistic imaginations of medical students. (but my crazy cravings did lead me to google porkchop) and nuff said, I did FOUND my porkchop! The hainanese version in yut kee, jln dang wangi. Down town kl. *damn*

Have no idea how to get there, but food is a great motivator. (=

Then there's the upper class version by jarrod & rawlin's at hartamas. *aduish* another unfamiliar territory. Nevermind... google map it!

And at the end of all those wonderfully crazy but entertaining hallucinations,

the porkchoppies go, "i'm spilling with cuteness to the point of adoration! have mercy!"



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