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the weekend came and go like a swift sweep off my feet. they beat the air outta my lungs. a drive home with my rantbox and the session with my jamroll and social drunkard. intoxicated. *grins* a gym to flex away my sarcasm after this while.

it was short, but the time was well spent. as tired as i was.. i manage to squeeze some time in for quite an amount of crazy things (that's what you get when you have crazy company) and the day rolls by without stopping.

the next morning on the bus, i wondered if i was sane to have succumb to such rush of events.


naw. i was sane as i am aware. some habits just die hard *grins*

on walks between the shadows
in steps of your scent
like the sea of impossibility you never thought possible
i'm going back to yesterday
when the world still seems big to me.

p.s. love my converse but goddamn, it bites! argh. and special thanks to adrian for letting me handling his manual ride *awesomeee!* but im sorry for what happened next |=



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