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thy adorable dinner date

its dinner day wit min. and i love dinners with this woman. cause there's always stories to be told and good food on the table and rings of laughters in the air (regardless the number of stares we get)

and today, my dinner is paid by this adorable girl who claims she's of the same height as i do *lalalla* and i thank you jas! ((= and on top of that, she even got me like RM30++ of chocolate supply. enough to last me till my exams and satiate my cravings. and on top top of that, she made me a card!! my belated bday card..with photos stolen from my facebook and also from her camera.....

*warm fuzzy tingling feeling runs through me*

and i love september and the ones born innit

all my fat bars and the saccharine sweet paper

and herelies, RM60++ of chocolate

with chocolates in hands and stains on lips, we walked into borders. and this one book caught me eye. having read the sneak peek of it, me and min very very like this book. but im not telling what's inside.

in case i cant be found on weekends, try heading to the nearest borders. i might be found in one of those nook and crannies, nose deep in these pages *ze book is like RM93 )= *


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