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equations. i had always hated them. why else do you think i ended up in mad med school? i remember trigonometry. i remember trying my very very best to derive or conclude the equation
*somehow, snatching jol's book and xerox-ing them seems less a hassle* (=

my question today:

"how much imbalance/inequality can an equation suffer before deemed as not fit to be applied?"

Musing 1: How long?

if an equation is being fed on one side alone, without being balance.. how long can that equation be sustained before the differences becomes so vast that it had to be split into two to be resolved?

Musing 2: So how?

how? how how? do i subtract from the added side? or do i add to the deprived side? or should i just take the eraser and rubbed that whole thing away? *hmmms*

At the end of the day, im still stuck with this thingy wingy. i hate maths )=

will you fall if i have miscalculated?


wow! what a great analogy! love it!

October 20, 2008 at 1:42 AM  

bodoh. no wonder you take so long to study your medic stuff,

(8 years is too long woman!)

just divide with the largest divisor for both sides, then you'd get a ratio for both sides of the equation. then you times each side with the ratio of the opposite sides, and you would get an equal amount no matter how many times you subtract and multiply, etc.

unless you're dealing with unknown variables, and also polynomials, then you can't do that. there's a number of other methods that you can use, i suggest newton's divided difference to get the values of the unknown variables, then work your way from there:)

October 22, 2008 at 5:19 PM  

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