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the new sem came rolling in
with pebbles and marshmallows side by side
the sunset on one side and the dawn on my left
the middle-ground feels like home sweet home

going back going back back going back back back! and the sunset seems to be so awesome down south. i just realized i love taking pictures on my way back every time. the autobahn is my second home these day. if only cars run on air really...

long hair short hair. no baby more babies. no drills now laptop station. so many changes yet again. that thing we have wrapped around our head? that's the scarf sher made us wear cause the sound of the drill was crazy craazy i tell you! *flipping hands like a certain someone in a yorkie slang* jol would know. (= and check out dexter! e's the stuff dog jas kidnapped recently

so yes. i am still here for tomorrow. piece of cake.

just blend them all and we have the complete remedy for a blasted piece of familiarity


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