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beauty in the eye of the beholder, and we will never know the view from your eyes or you from mine. Lo behold i came across another lightbulb today. it neednt be dark for me to be enlightened really.

changes in routine is submitting me to a lot of other new additions and subtractions from my daily routine. i've come to do without many things and learned how gratifying discipline can be. facing them now is like looking, not seeing. they're there, but their presence is just not accounted for. one of my presumed forte.

a new semester. i've promised myself a new set of rules and goals. i will see through them. all my personal and professional goals. nothing is more important than ME ME ME! well of course that rodent in the laundry area is pretty much a priority. cant let her die under my watch. i havent even graduated goddamnit. i think the oath applies to dogs even?

i love me. not you (=


love life too!

and ice cream.
and chocolates.
and whatever you've decided to pursue ;)

July 16, 2009 at 1:03 AM  

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