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There's something about the rain that slows my day to a drawl. It seeps away all my life and it feels so good, just laying there covered in quilt sweating away in the paradox of heat.

There's an assignment due at 5 pm tomorrow and I am not about to lift a finger anytime soon. I'll manage. I always do.

The pain is soothing. The fatigue, oh so familiar. The listlessness, I wonder how long it'll last this time. Nobody wakes suddenly and heads to the kitchen to FIND something to cook just for the heck of it. I am not even hungry. I reckon its annoying to be this crazy.

Im an addict. Those lil red fuschia pills are so pretty, like candy. Works magic too.

Am yet to figure how to figure people so accurately. It must be a wicked thing to have. I wanna be a behavioural expert too!


E mais um dia se vai,realmente o nosso cotidiano e´uma loucura,mas aprendemos a conviver com maestria cada minuto e sentimos prazer em vivelos,cada um a sua maneira,mas se vive bem,isso que nos importa viver cada e deixe viver,e´o que nos importa nessa jornada tao curta que nos e´oferecida...

April 30, 2010 at 8:55 AM  

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