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TGIF. I do thank my week for Friday sometimes. It gives me my passport to an escapade. Who needs a reason to travel? Just being a weekend is good nuff. Dinners are the best way to start a Friday after all. And the rest of the night unfolds on its own accord

I woke up that one day and drove 900+ km over the weekend. Arriving home to see another not-supposed-to-be-there faces is just me being aloof.

Dogs are therapeutic. They emit love wherever they nuzzle you.

Seafood galore and regression session with a younger sister is always something new. It's my upper, the best there is in the market.

05 - 05 - 2010

  1. Today, I met a leader of a yakuza who struts the catwalk in my asylum
  2. Today, I met the telepathic who possess the most techie wifi - wireless and cableless. No fees required.
  3. Today I met the norm who stands loud from the masses of people.
  4. Today I met all the people I had yearned to meet. I feel so at home now.


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