the radio's playing lucky, almost too frequently
the mcflurry's melting on my lips, and yet im hot
and owh the symphony of the road, everlasting memories.
it's beautiful day,
when you see the moon set and the sun rise.
and so according to Darwin, we descended from the lineage of apes. and of such primal nature, we retain the animal within us. hence aggression.
aggression: excessive violence, therefore causing hurt or mebbe fatality in severe use of it.
thus, the age of lobotomy begun in the 1930's and into the 1950's. in those days. patient's consent was unheard of and the paternalistic medicine was the mainstream practice. lobotomy was widely used to treat schizophrenic or depressed souls or even people who were considered a nuisance by demonstrating behavior characterized as, for example, "moodiness" or "youthful defiance".
i.e. if you're annoying some doctors by giving him the glare or you ordered the last slice of cake, you are at the risk of being lobotomized (heh. just exaggerating there my dears, though i pretty sure i would be the first to be under the mallet)
why mallet you may ask? its because the crude primeval methods of lobotomy involves the insertion of an 'ice-pick' through your eye socket and is manoeuvred to your frontal lobe, which very much is the centre in forming your personality. oh. my bad, they actually struck the ice-pick with a mallet UNTIL the correct position is found.
*i have no idea how do they determined when the 'right' position is found* its not as if you're tofu-brain goes 'click' when you hit the right spot now does it?
so anyway, some neurosurgeons decided such a method is too messy and un-cool. therefore they devised another way of getting to your prefrontal lobe. so this particular guy is an Antonio Egas Moniz. and this is the way he gets to your head:
- drill holes into brain - not hole ( ) but hole (S)
- then he injects alcohol into your brain - no, not to give you the high but to destroy your brain cells. *the truth behind the saying that alcohol kill brain cells. damnit*
and this bugger got a bloody Nobel prize for medicine in 1949! i wonder what are they advocating sometimes. tsk.
But to begin with, why are we supressing the expression of anger? Isn't it incorporated in the human right that we can freely express emotion? Though i would agree that some homosapiens are incapable of 'normal' expression. And hence, grouped into the 2 extremes. Again, have we forgotten the variation in evolution? Unless the human race is born out of cloning, we are all different. You and me. She and he. It and it.
Who gave who the authority to dictate, "No sir, you can't go beyond this level of aggression or we have to subject you lobotomy"?

Anger is another emotion. Like passion. Like feist. Like sadism. Like angst. And that is the beauty of aggression. It's all in the fiery outburst and pulsatile throbbing heat of unrestrained outburst.
Why am I pondering on the long forgotten past which have already received enough critisism and banned from the face of the earth? *hmmm*
Don't know (=
WARNING: this is not a post, it is a shoutout!
0 comments Posted by muse at Wednesday, October 22, 2008equations. i had always hated them. why else do you think i ended up in mad med school? i remember trigonometry. i remember trying my very very best to derive or conclude the equation
*somehow, snatching jol's book and xerox-ing them seems less a hassle* (=
my question today:
"how much imbalance/inequality can an equation suffer before deemed as not fit to be applied?"
Musing 1: How long?
if an equation is being fed on one side alone, without being balance.. how long can that equation be sustained before the differences becomes so vast that it had to be split into two to be resolved?
Musing 2: So how?
how? how how? do i subtract from the added side? or do i add to the deprived side? or should i just take the eraser and rubbed that whole thing away? *hmmms*
At the end of the day, im still stuck with this thingy wingy. i hate maths )=
its dinner day wit min. and i love dinners with this woman. cause there's always stories to be told and good food on the table and rings of laughters in the air (regardless the number of stares we get)
and today, my dinner is paid by this adorable girl who claims she's of the same height as i do *lalalla* and i thank you jas! ((= and on top of that, she even got me like RM30++ of chocolate supply. enough to last me till my exams and satiate my cravings. and on top top of that, she made me a card!! my belated bday card..with photos stolen from my facebook and also from her camera.....
*warm fuzzy tingling feeling runs through me*
and i love september and the ones born innit
in case i cant be found on weekends, try heading to the nearest borders. i might be found in one of those nook and crannies, nose deep in these pages *ze book is like RM93 )= *
Date: 24 September 2008
Venue: four-walled room on a queen size bed in Puchong
and here, me thanks jol, adrian, jagad, david, sher, jas, richard, chuah, peichoo, vini, yee, darray keanguan, cheah, hunter, gary, soohan, hui thing, khe cia, joel, naichien, jean, lilian, preethi, sayu, TY, and the entire Monash lecture theatre content
(now this is where i admit i cant remember who i hadnt include. whoever you are, your faces is in my head =p)

cause me no like cakeys (= *hugs* for taking note
well, jol instilled the first torture by telling me she got my present, 2 FREAKING MONTHS AGO! but as per usual, she left me guessing with the frequent tease," do you wanna know what i got you?"
and even on the day itself, as much as i had expect a surprise, i still get surprised by a surprise. *keanguan not a good actor and sher bit of a clumsy liar* ahahhahah!
but i suppose the bigger surprise comes last. blindfolded and conned to believe im being taken to KL for dinner with just sher alone.... who would have thought what an emmy award actress the hobbit can be? i might as well be kidnapped to klang and be sold off for all i know.
and indeed, i was nabbed to klang. *grins* a story too long to tell. hence the summary:
- blindfolded and was driven to klang
- hobbit pretended to get lost while she said she'll stop for directions in a 'petrol station'
- which in fact she stopped in mingzhan's hse to get guitar hero - sher, blame the dogs for giving you away ((((= and i was worried bout you too you know.
- *pieced it together*
- reached hobbit's new house and got played like a monkey *aish*
- and then... "BOO!"
special thanks to all the faces below for putting up quite an act. (=

( hunter, huiting, khecia, joel and my vini poo.. sorry, your pics are to be released )
nonetheless, it was awesome fun time whenever you're in the picture woman. (even more interesting when richard decided to pop in from nowhere, threw 2 packets of m&m's for us and said happy birthday)
yes, we love yo too rich, as sakai and sick as you are
*i suspect some he sat on my m&m's with spite before giving it to me*
but yes richard thomas fredericks, thanks for the 'coffee' in friendster cafe over the blonder than donald trump reality teevee show. i dunno how we manage to survive through that and bad bad b/ground music. but we're still walking. not bad (=
*big grins* for such awesome prose, you deserve a section of your own! (= for never forgetting my birthday, thanks big guy. heart you! hurry home to us so we can have an updated picture of you in my blog?

A sweet soul from the chamber.
Wait in line take a number
She's bright like amber
You're not her member! "
this parcel i was to receive on my birthday. but when the mailman came, i was already blindfolded and packed to klang... so i had to ask me neighbour to sign for it and he said he'll leave it on my side of the house cause he wont be around for the next few days.
which coincidently, neither is my parcel. its nowhere to be found for the few days!! and im worried sick some arse stole my parcel and proly happily drinkin my booze away *i was still under the assumption my present is in the form of a bottle*
by the 3rd day when i finally get through the neighbour, only i realized. he stuffed my package in a unused cabinet.
uhuh. so its been there smirking at me everytime i leave the house. joke's all on me but i am glad i have found it. or jol would had anthrax my neighbour. *ahahhahahah*
-do not disturb day-
here is when i discovered the smoothness of Paulaner. i believe i'll be visiting the curve even more than i have been all these while. and the best part, its octoberfest!!!!
like adrian's brew better though. *smile*
a stroll among the crowds
a drive along the roads
a day i called my own,
i have you to thank.
and september is coming to an end now...
lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
lucky to be coming home again..
the day before i cried 21, was the day before wednesday. and we were hungry. we being sher and i. so went to cabana for mee hoon kueh! *yumms* dinner was suppose to end early and these girls we suppose to be home early.
but when were we ever early? honestly! so, on the eve of 21 years of existence, we did another round of foolishness. *yes, that is our forte*
we took a trip down KL at 830 pm.
in the boulevard of the millions stars
everything look so nice afterwards