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It is astonishing how I adore agony. Cant quite place my affection for them. We baked brownie today. It wasnt the best cause I knew I could do better. Nonetheless, had fun watching come chick flick. LOL. British films are truly humorous with their accent and their eccentricity. Kids especially with their desperation for a snog and etc etc. Nuts. Sometimes I think they grew up just a tad too fast.

I was like them a decade ago, wanting to grow quick into the humps and bumps and the world of fashionista. And now that I'm innit, I wish I could wind back the clock into my age of innocence. I miss a lot of the pieces of my childhood, though I needed pictures and memorablia to remind me of them.

Among the things I rindu ...

  • Tom & Jerry cartoons! I am thinking of downloading them in bunches so that I can rewatch them. Chances are slim I believe. Anybody wanna contribute? )=
  • I miss excursions with my dad. Jungle trekking, swimming challenges, picnic days, supper nights, special food Sundays.
  • Periods of ignorance. They were truly a bliss.
  • Sleepovers at my laima's place with kon lou mee for supper and chinese vampire movie as bedtime story. *grins* They contributed to chubby me and sadistic me. Given the chance to change things, I still wouldnt had touched that bit of memory. I love being pampered like a spoilt brat yet glad I didnt turn out to be one. I think. I hope. You think?
  • My girly-high-stockings and much loved black pumps and the 'flower-girl' dress I bawled over when my mom gave it to my cousin. Almost threw a fit. Wait, I think I did.
  • Abusing my brother and manipulating my sister. Not very big-sisterly but hey, its the circle of life. I'm just prepping them for the real world out there. Though I could had done a better job, but I suppose they turned out quite well. They WORSHIP me. *ROTFL!!*
  • Helping my mom stir CNY cookie and cake batter and being the good daughter. Im amazed at that sweet lil' me last time. Really..... (=
I want Tom & Jerry now. *pouts* I dont like birthdays anymore. Nope. No like at all. This time round, my birthday shall be spent drinking rum with dad and sis while stuffing my face with Ruffles. Yes. That shall be it this year.


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