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Week 1

Week 1 and I am alive still, albeit waking up 630 in the morn with Sher taking 3/4 of the bed space and be being pushed to the edge. I now know how the dodo bird feel. Wait, that's not true.. Im way smarter than a dodo.

By the way, India in January is NOT hot! At all! We packed for summer and winter greeted us. The chills of Maharastra is well epitomed in pur 12 hrs train ride from Mumba to Wardha. The best awesomest jiggledy-bone shivering train ride ever. I like.

And I have been a vegetarian for 5 days now and me not dying! Amazing I know. Mebbe can tapau one of the aji here go back to cook for me XD


I want to go to India someday.

January 27, 2010 at 4:30 AM  

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