The world is small sometimes, even for you and I. Put Jas on a table with a bunch of new friends and chances are she shared a mutual friend with half of them. It is uncanny as it is wondrously amusing.
So how did she ended up in JB you ask? Well, there's this random text and call one fine morning when I was sleepily groggily in bed. What follows was a trip down south, loads of thunderous laughter, a thousand words of a banter and much wrestling. That was what the northern wind blew me. An expensive endangered Norwegian pig who types and plays dead when you attempt to wake her. *inside joke*
Finally, I can show to Sher and the lot that I AM NORMAL! Well, at least in the context of Taipingnites. (=
I love how my life is interrupted from time to time with adorable idiots and that funny twist of a plot.
Nope. Not today either. Nor yesterday or the day before before.
Should start thinking of midnight snack stocks. Cereals and cheese sandwich is getting boring.
What other inventions are there to satiate midnight crawlers like you and I alike? Hmmm...

3. Fruit Salad
I am sure no parents or doctors would object to such healthy snacking.. But that is before what comes next...

4. Chilli Fries
No sane mind would resist digging their chubb fingers into this pile of benzos.
Comfort food baby...

I should stock up on chips, cheese, olives, onions and bacons.
I sense my arteries clogging up in protest already

Alright, how bout an interlude of fruit snacking?
Sounds not too bad a recipe.
Slurping on strawberry and crunching on almond
Where's be your rendezvous?

Chop up some bananas.
Plop a few scoops on a dish.
Drizzle over the chocolate syrup.
*need I describe further?*

NOBODY *I repeat* Nobody forgets the fries!
My staple midnight snacks by far.
Perfect for stress reduction

Owh hello you.
I haven't had you for a while.
No worries, I'm already scribbling you onto my grocery list

This.Is. Malaysia
I wonder when will it make it to the league of Malaysia's national food?
I am pretty sure it is on par with nasi lemak and the sort.
In our unit, rice is worthless.
Indomee is GOLD.
And when all fails to stir up an appetite
Is no one here at all?
Is there any net left that could break our fall?
It'll be a day like this one
When the sky falls down and the hungry and poor and deserted are found
Are you discontented? Have you been pushing hard?
Have you been throwing down this broken house of cards?
It'll be a day like this one
When the world caves in
What would be the best way to paint the picture of impulsion? In words? In actions? In regrets or in boastful claims of I-did-that-last-summer? Suddenly all my 'conquests' in life isn't such a proud thing to display after all. At 23 (almost), what would be the wisest thing to do with all my past 'proud' moments is to swipe all those written claims and shred the pictorial evidences when nobody is looking. Luckily, most of the time, nobody is looking much this way. I seem to be trekking the trail of my past, picking up the pieces, editing it along the way, in hopes of re-creating a more acceptable me. Identity crisis at this point is life is baffling.
Circling back to impulsion. What do we know of impulsion aside the fact that it is often linked to spontaneity, stupidity and sheer adrenaline? It brings about transient moment of highness. If sarcasm is cheap humor, impulsion is cheap cocaine.
Try jumping off the cliff in the instant you feel like flying.
Try popping Hersheys buttons continuously for that sugar rush.
Try hopping into you car at 2 am, driving alone where the freeway would take you.
Try kissing that stranger you been staring at the whole night, see where he'll lead you.
Try showing up in the airport, buying the ticket to the first destination you can think of.
Try climbing up to the rooftop and look below your feet, is another step exhilarating, or plain foolish...
The many instances impulsion can seem fun, but with dire consequences. Don't get me wrong. I love spontaneity. It defines me for a very long while now. But age is catching up, as are many other things. I can no longer afford impulsion. We grew. That is the reason why. Consequentialism became my pillar of ethics. All the probable outcomes flood your head before you even decide. And now you know why the females think too much, unlike our counterpart who eat first, then worry about how much to pay.
No, we don't work like that. We think of how much the cost, how much we have in our wallet and whether or not the dish is worth it. By the time we are done thinking, chances are we'll pass the dish. It is too much a hassle.
I can still ride on the spur-of-the-moment, but I know I'll come to regret it when I get off at the next station. What a fucked up concept isn't it? No wonder as we age, some regress back into the woe-less state of our childhood. Who says it is pathetic and undignified to live in such a state? For some, it just may be a blessing in disguise to not want to be a part of the world they're leaving from anyway.
Passing on happy, and without memories of the long life they lived. That just may be nirvana. Detachment. Or is it?
Would you be the one that argues memories, be in written in tears or smiles, are what constitute the pages of existence? Without them, we are nothing but walking talking stereotypes living in utopia. Freaky, I know. Imagine smiling all the time at such perfect life. Out tear ducts would definitely atrophy into oblivion. I love crying. I had to force myself to cry sometimes just to make sure that my tear ducts still function.
So yes, on the scale from 1 - 10, how contented am I with my life you ask? Well, I'm sorry. I refuse to answer you, cause I have yet to live enough of it to rate it. Perhaps I shall on that day I decided I'm bored or that day I have an uncontrollable impulsion
Right now, I have this itching vibe resonating in my head since 20 minutes ago. It was this bloody nagging impulse that kick me out of the lumpy thing you call a bed to type out this post. If I did not blog tonight, chances are you'll most probably find me speeding at 150 on the road to Tioman. I miss the moonlit beaches in Payar. It's perfect for a night like today.
If I kill myself in the dream, I would finally wake up. This was quoted off someone in one of our random conversations.
I gave up ranting on my insomnia. It is never gonna be remedied unless I find what is fueling this wakefulness. Coffee? Nope. Alcohol? Sometimes. Drugs? Well fuck.. benzos are supposed to help me sleep not keep me awake.
My recent weekend had been a long bittersweet one. All that preparations and intoxication and lack of rest is definitely not the best of combination. But it gets you high at a different kind of level. It brings you up to that state of guilt and realization that as time ticks further, the fun and effervescence of the hot-blooded youth no longer sound wise. It is stupid. Drinking per se is not stupid. But when it amounts to the self-torture, it is ridiculous. I suppose I now know why some stop as they grew older. It is time I kick myself into the next level of mindfulness.
And what of those averted gaze and side glances and held back tongue? We do love the things we can't reach. And we are quick to lay eyes on another once we had held the unreachable. The mind is sometimes quick to read but hard to process and reason. Why else do we had to fault that many times before we succeed in learning our lessons?
Funny, how funny we can be. (=