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The world is small sometimes, even for you and I. Put Jas on a table with a bunch of new friends and chances are she shared a mutual friend with half of them. It is uncanny as it is wondrously amusing.

So how did she ended up in JB you ask? Well, there's this random text and call one fine morning when I was sleepily groggily in bed. What follows was a trip down south, loads of thunderous laughter, a thousand words of a banter and much wrestling. That was what the northern wind blew me. An expensive endangered Norwegian pig who types and plays dead when you attempt to wake her. *inside joke*

Finally, I can show to Sher and the lot that I AM NORMAL! Well, at least in the context of Taipingnites. (=

I love how my life is interrupted from time to time with adorable idiots and that funny twist of a plot.


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